Who We Are

The Origin of The Eddy: A Serendipitous Adventure
The genesis of The Eddy can be traced back to a thrilling Snake River rafting expedition that a few members of our team embarked upon. As we journeyed downstream for hours, the rushing water battled against our rafts, pushing us further away from the daily grind and closer to an oasis of tranquility. Our tired bodies yearned for respite, and quite serendipitously, we stumbled upon an eddy—a calm enclave nestled amidst the flowing river. It was exactly what we needed.
In this alluring sanctuary, we found solace and a chance to recharge. We eased into a momentary pause, savoring our chosen beverages, and allowing the surrounding nature to invigorate our spirits. It was within this idyllic haven that The Eddy was conceived—a haven meant to emulate that very experience, permitting others to escape the burdens of their daily lives, revel in the company of loved ones, and embrace the fullness of existence.
The remarkable team behind The Eddy hails from diverse backgrounds and walks of life. While our paths diverged, we share a common purpose: to provide our esteemed guests with an unforgettable experience. As we assembled this group of extraordinary individuals, we envisioned forging an atmosphere where every person who enters feels like a cherished neighbor.
At The Eddy, we strive to foster an environment that nurtures and enriches the human spirit. We believe that genuine connection and the joy of life can be found in simple pleasures, in conversations shared over delectable fare and in moments of laughter that resound through our walls. We want to create memories that linger in the hearts of our guests long after they have departed.